A Modest Proposal...

42USC1985 Conspiracy 
President Grant signs Enforcement Act of 1871 to deal violence of the worst terrorist groups in history of the US, responsible for at least 5,000 deaths since end of Civil War...
    Inaction and silence are a violation of the guarantee by "giving aid and comfort..."  and 42USC1986 failure to protect... 
President Grant signing the enforcement act of 1871... The preservation of the Union and the Constitution's guarantee of a republican form of government was his objective. It was his duty to adhere to that guarantee of Article 4 Section 4. Failure to do so, violates the guarantee clause in which the Union is the form of government that our Constitution established. The United States, as it was intended by the framers, guarantees that form not a political party or affiliates. Also, a violation of 42USC1986 failure to protect... 


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