Threat Analysis 8/11/22

 This is the source of 1776 meaning, in relation to 14 words, used by extremists....
   According to scholar Mattias Gardell, David Lane taught something he called the "Pyramid Prophecy 666",[26] which included the concept that a Bible code was inserted by "Aryan adepts" within the King James Version of the Christian Bible. Gardell's book Gods of the Blood states "The number 1776 appears in the numeric square of Mars in which is found the Star of David and its 741 formula, 741 also being the value of the 14 Words in simple English gematria." Lane claimed both 14 word slogans came to him while asleep, and that the sentences each contained 61 letters, 20 syllables, 74 characters and the 741 value. Elaborating, he described himself in the "Pyramid Prophecy" as the "666 Sun Man" trying to "save white people" with America being the "Beast system" bent on "destroying white people" – views that were censored by Ron McVan and others who found the messianic claims counterproductive by "turning off potential converts".[27] Wikipedia 


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